Thursday, August 14, 2008


Where is our hope? I struggle with this question day to day. I have to ask myself is God who he says he is? I know without Hope...there is nothing. When hope fades - you die. Humor me a little while I step away from the normal "photography" blog. I know that on the surface, most families seem perfect, organized, happy...I know there is so much more to the story than that. I know there are so many struggles within my own life as well as friends...the cashier at the store, the bank teller. There are struggles and battles with cancer - I was extremely touched by a friend a few nights ago as I saw her heart through her eyes...she said no words but it was clear there was pain. Her sister is going through breast cancer. Doubt, anger, resentment...they all creep up when things get dark and the "rain" starts. My heart is burdened for your know who you are. My heart breaks for your pain...

I wanted to share part of our conversation because it has helped me when trials come...over and over again...and then again. When you cry out to God - WHY....when the trials just seem to keep coming.

" Sometimes it is hard to see God's plan when pain is involved - sometimes, that is when he grows us the most. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain. "

I KNOW that I KNOW the I KNOW that God is who he says he is and that he is faithful, unchanging and sees the bigger picture. Like a Monet painting...up close it doesn't make out anything, but from a distance...God's distance, it is a beautiful masterpiece. Even when my heart is breaking from my own hope is matter what circumstance comes....The new song on the website describes just this.


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